martes, 30 de marzo de 2010



Ok, we've been playing with your feelings until now, but this time is FOR REAL. We're gonna release our fucking 3 new songs next 9th of APRIL, so get READY FOR MAMBO.

These are going to be our last 3 songs. We know it is sad but we are BROKE. After 3 months living under a bridge we've decided to stop making music and dedicate our lives to SEX for money. Yes, we've became SLUTS, but it's the only way right now to be happy. No, really, this is the end of Cof Cof. Alex is moving to Ohio, to start a brand new life as a dog walker and I am going to be a mother of a little child called Gerardo. Yeah, life changes, but you still got the
chance to listen to our very last breath of music. This sounds quite dramatic, but that's it folks.
We're happy with this decision.

Ok, we don't wanna play with your feelings anymore...this is all a joke to catch your atention. But we'll upload new songs next week, so get ready for the future!

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